I blame Erin for getting me into Days of our Lives, and I won't lie, I am addicted. Brad and Tony have to put up with it too if I don't get to watch it before they get home.
I love the drama, and how you root for the good and bad, the complete breakdown in good relationship techniques, and the semi-mob like activities that occur in this town.
I also enjoy the fact that everyone has amazing houses, yet hardly ever works, and the foliage everywhere is perfection, which cannot all exist in the same town. Really.
There are people who have been watching this show for decades, and can tell you the whole family tree- it's insane. Lately they have been doing little trivia bits during the show's commercials and it's amazing to hear things like "I joined the cast in 1990, who else joined in that year?" How many TV shows do you know that have lasted more than 10 years?
Soap operas are truly a genera of their own, and I have been sucked in. Erin and I joke about the day when we will say to our nurse "I can't miss my stories" haha.... we are the few who actually understand and enjoy those patients.
I think that these TV shows bring a little bit more joy and reality to one's life and that's what makes people fall in love with them. I am known to shot at Athena (our dog) "dunh dunh dunh" or "kiss her!" just because I get caught up in it all.
I miss watching Days with Erin... stupid NCLEX prep is getting in the way of that, because that is the best.
You think watercooler talk about "The Office" is good? You should listen to us go on about Days. There's drama, murder, framing, crimes, passionate love scenes, terrible music, amazing dates, cute babies, romance, action, great scenery, crazy people, and much more.
So, that is one of the highlights of my day , watching this soap opera, and remember how much more ridiculous and crazy my life could be and appreciating my "normalcy" for what it is.
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