So I started out feeling a little down on myself even though the boys were very positive and encouraging. I had planned to go half way and then back down on bar trial, and let the boys go all the way up; half for time reasons, half for being out of shape and wanting to take it easy.
Within the first 20 steps, tony and brad were far ahead of me (I told them to go ahead I knew I would feel back if I held them back) and I just tried to focus on slow and steady, water, and breathing.
I called Tony to see where he was at and to see if he saw the half way point, and he pointed it out (which doesn't really help when you are looking almost straight up a mountain).
So, I kept treking on. and on. and on. I kept looking for the magical half way point, and couldn't believe I hadn't found it yet. but then again, I wasn' t exactly moving right along so I thought, must be just a little further.
This continued on until... my goodness- I was at the top. the VERY top. I had never been here before! I was so shocked I made it that I took a picture of the view, and a picture of me resting while at the top.
I didn't enjoy for long, because by this time we were running VERY late, so I headed down bar trail.
Tony called half way down to check on where I was and he was so excited for me! He is so good to me :] It was so nice for him to be as excited for me as I was for myself.
I finally got to the parking lot and Tony greeted with with a big congratulatory hug and kiss. It felt so good!
Then I took of my shoes in the car and that felt awesome.
I came through with some wicked trail rash on my side from wiping out (do not hike down bar trail and talk on your phone- stop hiking first), and a blister on my right foot, but it felt good.
I hope I can keep up the motivation to try and drop the many pounds I have gained since the holiday season.
So here are the pictures for you to enjoy.
I hope to get back on that incline sometime soon and get back to the top!

congrats! let's do this together, please?
it's a deal!