Saturday, February 4, 2012

Split Pea with Ham Soup

My first attempt last night resulted in us eating leftovers, but after adding another bag of peas, it has turned out quite tasty and will be dinner tonight
2 bags split peas (about 16oz bags)
ham- you can use a hock or do what I did and buy a bag of spiral ham slices/pieces about 1.5 lbs.

1. Soak beans overnight

2. dice onions and mince garlic. sauté in bottom of large stock pan with olive oil on medium to medium-high heat

3. roughly dice carrots and celery, roughly chop parsley (you will just end up blending it together so the goal is just to get them small enough to cook through well)

4. drain, rinse, and sort through beans

5. add beans and veggies to pot

6. add a few large pieces of the ham to the pot, dice up the rest to add after blending. If you use a hock, put the hock in and cook with veggies until ready to blend, remove before blending and remove meat from hock and save to add back in after blending.

7. barely cover ingredients with water

8. cover the pot, bring to a boil, stirring occasionally, then simmer (a pretty vigorous simmer is best) with lid on in the pot for at least 1.5hrs OR add all ingredients to crock pot on high for several hours (6-8 should do it).

9. When all ingredients are soft/well cooked, remove excess water and set aside. This will avoid making the soup too watery like I did at first

10. Blend ingredients together adding water as needed to make a thick soup. I HIGHLY recommend an immersion blender; you can just remove the pot from heat and blend right in the pot. Otherwise, allow to cool slightly then blend in small batches in a regular blender.

11. Put soup back in pot if necessary, and add ham chunks. Return to a boil and simmer until ham is heated through OR return to crock pot after blending (if needed), add ham, and turn to high for 1-2 more hours.

12. Taste, season if needed, and ENJOY!

obviously, you can make it without ham, though you may need to season it more and/or you can try to cook the veggies in chicken/vegetable broth for more flavor

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