I recently made an herb planter for my amazing mother in law for mother's day, I realized how great of a gift this was! Many home improvement stores sell small kits to grow from seed, which is great, but the way I did it was simple and pretty cheap and has larger plants
1. Buy 24" deck box and tray. I prefer the less expensive variety if giving as a gift, since you never know if they will re use it or even like the color.
2. Be sure to find one with drainage, if needed GENTLY punch out drainage holes
3. Put a small layer of rock in the bottom to assist drainage
3. fill with a few inches of quality potting soil
4. add 3-4 herb plants of choice that you purchase at your local store, if the root bulb is tight, gently work loose with your fingers
5. places the plants equidistance apart, adding soil to the bottom as needed so the top of the plant's soil is 1/2-1" below the top of the planter
6. fill in with potting soil, packing it down slightly as you go
7. put labels into the soil, and water well
8. water as needed to keep the soil moist but not soaking wet, and enjoy harvesting your herbs
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