Wednesday, February 2, 2011

life changes

As I am about to start a new job, with a drastically different schedule, and somewhat different knowledge set, I reflect on the fact that the "20s" is FILLED with life changes.

1. start college (ok that is actually in the late teens)
2. decide on a major (what holy crap?!?!)
3. GRADUATE college (wow you did it) and contemplate going on (what? more loans?!?!?!)
4. get a J-O-B. or C-A-R-E-E-R. harder than you think. especially to find something you actually LIKE. oh yea and by the way you might get a new one like 10 times
5. provide roof and nourishment for self with minimal to no help from parents
6. get more bills, including the dreaded student loans, by buying things you need and/or want
7. get married- oh yea. tie the knot. don't lie, you love it.
8. have kids. yes. you are now going to be responsible for another human life

I mean holy moly that is a lot of stuff going on. Geez. And let me just tell you, it's not exactly a walk in the park.

BUT. every day does bring exciting new changes.


Food for thought.


  1. Heeheeheeheehee!!!! I'm almost to the graduate/find a career point. Wouldn't mind tying the knot soon either ;-).


  2. Dont forget
    buy a house
    renovate house
