Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Territory Days

A great way to spend Memorial Day with my favorite soldier and my family :]

turkey legs

a white guy making sushi. amusing.

only at fairs

inappropriate mom footwear at an event where all you do is walk around

23 weeks!

love :]

Sunday, May 22, 2011


This is my best buddy, Erin (left).

She is the best because she thinks of things like this crazy picture, which is totally awesome.
There is another great picture of her in her work uniform, taking a break by sitting in a bucket.

She is always there for me no matter what!

It is hard to believe it has been over 4 years ago that we met in choir then ended up both being in the nursing program, and then graduating together.

time flies!

She is the most talented singer I know. Really, I wish I had half her talent! She also will sing top 40 songs with me in ridiculous voices (shorty get low low low low)

She married a very nice man named Jeremy. He is large, but in a tall way and we love him. They always let me come over and bum at their house especially when Tony is gone. She planned a wedding during the crazy first part of the semester and it was beautiful! Plus she handmade necklaces and earring for all the bridesmaids. Wow. I can't make anything except cookies.

I love to make Christmas Cookies with her.

I was remembering when I was sick a few weeks ago about how much she would make fun of me when I would sorta clear my throat to try to get the mucous out during class. She'd say "geez Kasia just cough it up already." She is a true friend because she says things like that. Not many friends would make comments on your mucous, or your flatus.

She does more extra curricular things than anyone I know and pulls it off so well! She stays very busy though, which is good.

She is super smart (though she would never say so) and was very patient (for like 7 years) in getting her 2 bachelor's degrees, and now she's going back for her master's! Wow!

She is also very supportive, even when she doesn't feel like it.

She introduced me to pho, which is amazing. And she will eat all kinds of crazy food with me- it's awesome!

She really loves her Grandmas. I wish I were as close with mine as she is/was with hers!

She wrote me a song about a certain picture on this calender I have. It will be on the debut album of "Fantastic Flatus," our new band.

Even though I do not see her all the time like I did in school, she is my very best buddy and I am so glad that God brought her into my life.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

it's a... GIRL!

profile- looks like she has tony's nose

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


sisters are truly a special gift for all girls, but I happen to think I got particularly lucky.

This is my sister (on the right):

(this is possibly my favorite sister picture EVER.)

she has the same killer legs as our mom and a FABULOUS figure. she is also my partner in loving dessert.

we have seen each other through thick and thin, and have a special bond forged by many years of banding together to survive our family dynamics. no one else understands what I have been through or who I am quite like she does.

She also always does very sweet things like send me special cards just to say thank you and I love you.

We are "night and day" according to my dad, which is true. She is a girly girl and LOVES to shop, I am a tomboy and have to recruit reinforcements to keep me going while shopping. She is a social butterfly, I am much more of a homebody. She loves pink, me not so much. It's very funny to us sometimes how different we are but yet how much we are the same.

She is going to be the best auntie the world has seen yet, and will be especially helpful in spoiling my children rotten.

She has this amazing bond with our brother that I never got, which I think is wonderful :]

She will still get messy and play in the creek-just like we did as kids. I hope we get to do more of that soon- I am banned from too much fresh water exposure this summer.

She was always willing to play pretend and make meals of sand and play in mud puddles.

She is an amazing pianist- I was ALWAYS jealous of her as a kid, now I am just in awe of her ability to communicate through her music and teaching.

She will be every kid's favorite teacher. Pray that she gets the perfect job.

She has the kindest, most giving heart. She will go without sleep and out of her way to help people any time.

She really really likes coffee and dessert. This is a good thing.

She looks very hot in a bikini thanks to all the great running she does.

As far as sisters go, she's the bee's knees.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Lia bo bia

from the start, we hit it off as co workers in the fabulous world of Banquet Serving.

she even stayed friends with me when she went back to school and we had an excellent friendship of seeing each other about once every 2 years, but it worked for us.

then she met this cute boy named Peter, and they got hitched, and I got to wear a pretty dress and dance and drink at their wedding. *awwwwwwwwww*

and one day, she was just living her life and then BAM her body was like "oh yea, that being healthy thing? we're over it." so she endured painful test after painful test to find out *thankfully* that everything was fine. But, it really sucked. AND because she was still in Ft Collins at the time, so I didn't even get to bring her soup.

so she pushes on and becomes this amazing cook, moves like a hundred million times (she must be a champion packer), and we continue our excellent relationship of hanging out once every 2 years.

then she moves into the Briarhood with exciting news. But hopes were dashed, dreams were crushed, and now I want to punch the world for her because she just got a really bad deal.

She is the most amazing, strong woman I know that has been given so many obstacles and has leaped over them, seemingly effortless to all of us, but with tons of work behind the scenes.

In the midst of her pain and suffering, she is still celebrating with us.

She loves her doggy just as much as I do. And even after some major medical hurdles, she could probably still kick my butt on a bicycle. she has serious skills.

She makes amazing delicious healthy food and has a marriage stronger than most are after 10 years.

She also planned a wedding in like, no time flat, and it was BEAUTIFUL and PERFECT. Although it is kind of funny that soon after that place got shut down for some shady liquor situation. But it was perfect for them :]

She also was the reason that I have had the best chocolate martini ever.

This is for Lia, a true champion woman, who is an inspiration to all-especially me. Her strength, faith, and humor through continual downfalls is uplifting. And I hope she sees how wonderful she is!

This is also a special mother's day wish for all those women whose children have preceded them into Heaven. They all deserve an extra special hug today.

20 weeks

Getting huge... or so I think :] Baby's growth is right on track!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Our little baby ?????

The baby was completely uncooperative and stubborn (just like Tony haha) and we have no idea what sex it is, even after having me lay almost upside down! The doctor will make the call on whether to do another ultrasound or not next Friday.

Everything looked healthy, and baby's weight gain is right on track for its gestational age!

PLUS the doctor who delivered me is the one who will interpret and read the ultrasound then give it to my doc. way cool!

Thursday, May 5, 2011


This is for my mommy, not only because she is the #1 woman in my life, but also because this week is her birthday AND mother's day.

My mother is INCREDIBLE! and very beautiful


Good thing she gave me some of those good looks.

Here are some things I love best about my mom
1) her hugs (duh right?)
2) her delicious home grown vegetables
3) her AMAZING faith in the LORD which she shared with us
4) her ability to give and give and give of herself
5) her generosity. these may seem the same, but they are different.
6) her delicious taste in beer and wine
7) her legs. they are killer, seriously.
8) her amazing spirit
9) the stories she shares from her childhood
10) our long chats about anything and everything
11) she is always willing to lend a helping hand
12) she gets the organized neat freak part of me
13) her texts. they always have typos but that is the best part!
14) she shares her clothes
15) her patience and understanding
16) she is a fantastic teacher
17) she is going to be the world's greatest grandmother. seriously.
18) she gets excited about the little things with me
19) she is always up for a shopping trip- and helps keep me motivated while shopping!
20) her smile!
21) she always makes you feel better when you are having a bad day
22) she took us on some fabulous camping adventures
23) she let us get really dirty and play in mud puddled and explore the world, instead of keeping us locked up inside
24) the duets we used to play together on the piano
25) jam sessions and harmonizing
26) she understood our complete fascination with lightning bugs when we visited our grandparents, and would stay up late and help us catch them
27) how much she loves her family

Now, there are just a FEW of her amazing traits. I am so blessed to have a wonderful mother who has supported me in everything I have done. I truly am a stronger and better woman because of her, and I can't wait to experience mother-hood with her by my side helping me :]

So here is to my mommy, and to all the mommies out there.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

May is for the girls

I decided to dedicate the month of May to the many women who have touched my life, who inspire me, and who are all around incredible. Stay tuned.