Monday, August 17, 2009

the list #6

#6 rearrange something in your house.

This one sort of fell into my lap! Jason has moved back and he and his girlfriend Linda got a place together in Boulder, and therefore wanted their couch back. Sad yet happy. So he came and got it and then Tony and I starting talking then shopping for a new couch. Little did we know we would find the perfect one the first night we shopped!

So we have actually rearranged the house 2 times, once when the brown couch went with Jason and the green couch came upstairs, and then again when the green couch went back downstairs and the new couch arrived!

the new couch in it's new home!

the entire room
we moved the keyboard upstairs for easier access!

Tony enjoying the new couch!


we had moved the futon in from the garage to replace the green couch downstairs and decided it wasn't worth it to put it back in the garage, so found a way for it to fit downstairs, until Austina and Shazia and come pick if up to put in their place!

the green couch back in it's original home, and the table moved over where the keyboard was to make room for the futon.

1 comment:

  1. The new couch is also excellent for sleeping on!

    Word verification: freple.
